Fab Five of Romantic Movies

-RC ALOR SETAR- Name of group members/matric : 1) SURINA A/P SIANG ( AS1510BD10635 ) 2) NUR SHAHIRAH SYAZWANI BINTI AHMAD ( AS1510BD10789 ) 3) OOI SIEW TUAN ( AS1510BD10636 ) 4) AINA NASYIHIN BINTI ZAKARIA ( AS1510BD10360 ) Introduction : Our group choose the fabulous five romantic movie. The romantic movies are love stories recorded in visual media for broadcast in cinema and on television that focus on passion, emotion, and the affectionate romantic involvement of the main characters and the journey that their genuinely strong, true and pure romantic love takes them through dating, courtship or marriage. Romance movies make the romantic love story or the search for strong and pure love and romance the main plot focus. Occasionally, romance lovers face obstacles such as finances, physical illness, various forms of discrimination, psychological restraints or family that threaten to break their union of love. As in all quite strong...