Top 5 Fabulous Fast Food Restaurant in the World 2018

Top 5 Fabulous Fast Food Restaurant in the World 2018 Prepared by: Name of Student Matric Number 1. LAI KAM SENG MC161002460 2. KUBENDRAN A/L MUNIANDY MC161002511 3. KIRTHENA MURTHI MC161002381 4. VESHWINI SUPRAMANIAM MC1506DC8989 5. NUR SYAFIQAH BINTI SARONI MC160601099 Introduction Hi everyone, this is a blog about “Top 5 Fabulous Fast Food Restaurant in the World 2018”. According to Wikipedia, the list of the largest fast food restaurant chains by their number of locations in the world, Subway has the highest number of locations follow by McDonald’s, Starbucks, KFC and Burger King. Hence, we are going to discuss some of the information and history for these top 5 fabulous fast food restaurant in the world 2018 throughout this blog. 1. Subway A private American fast food restaurant franchise that primarily purvey submarin...